Have you been feeling disconnected and cut off from yourself? 

Adulting is hard!  

It's often one thankless task after another.

It's made harder by so many systemic issues in the world right now that are weighing us down. 

When life is stressful, 
we often shut down or people please. 

And forget to about our needs and desires.
I need to remind you of this:

You matter.  Your life matters.

Would you like to reconnect to you?

To see what you love and delight in?

I've been creating a guide to juicy goodness
to renew your spark in life... 

The Engage with You Inner Child Guide!

Engaging with your Inner Child can support you to:

Go with the flow - so you feel less uptight

Trust yourself as you play - so you tap your intuition more in life

Get to know what you love - so develop deeper desire and passions

Discover new interests and strengths you didn’t know

Become kinder to yourself - as you welcome messier parts of you

Those of us who had emotional abuse or neglect may:

Fear making a mess and getting into trouble

Not know what we enjoy because our carers didn’t take interest in us

Feel that taking time for ourselves is selfish and we should think about others

Struggle to be a child as we had to look after others

If you missed out on being free, 

fun and fabulous in childhood… 

 NOW is your chance to have a happy childhood.
 You may be thinking:
Why bother? 
Well, let’s explore…

What on earth can Engaging with Your Inner Child Guide do for you?

Calm your nerves - so you can think more clearly

Reduce stress - can reduce feelings of anxiety and depression

Boost your mood - increase your sense of happy

Improve your overall wellbeing - cos you feel good about yourself

Make you a tad zany and delightful (YAY!)

What do you get in Engage with Your Inner Child?

This Inner Child Guide is filled with 

baby steps and beautiful shifts! 

This isn’t an overwhelming guide you have to read 

all the way through like a boring chore.

It’s designed to be simple and 

spark ideas to inspire you.

 There are over 77 mini ideas to play with! 

You can read a page and act on it.  

 The mission is to take one idea, and engage with you. 

 So you come alive to you.

There for quick and easy choices you can pick to:

Shift your inner voice so you’re safer to welcome little you

Grow your outer voice and make a stand for your needs

Explore your senses in messy and wonderful ways

Bring love to shamed parts of your inner child

Find the Indoor Play that makes you feel met

Discover Outdoor Delight that brings your joy

Let your inner child come out to play!
For just £9 today…
Why am I creating this?
In my Restore membership we got out crayons to do a Creative Journaling workshop - and I felt such delight.

It was so nourishing, deep and beautiful.

It made me ponder that some folk who had abuse, neglect or adversity may not have had a chance to enjoy life, and have no idea where to start.

For just £9 you can get ideas of what to do… and anytime you have a moment to play you have a resource to try out new things to see what you love!
Who am I?
I’m Zariya Lufu. I’ve got two neurodivergent teens. I'm PDA autistic and ADHD.  We live in the countryside in Sussex, UK. 
I’m passionate about supporting folk who had adversity, trauma, were bullied for being neurodivergent or who grew up in an emotionally empty home and felt unmet. 
I’ve studied loads (Psychology, Masters in Integral Theory, Psychodrama, Attachment Therapy, Singles and Couples coaching, Business Coaching, Theraplay, Parenting Coaching) so that I can guide and support you in our group sessions with whatever issues arise.

If you say YES to any of these, the Engage with Your Inner Child Guide is for you: 

Dead inside with no spark?

Do you feel ick, cringy or weird at the thought of inner child work?

Are you so overwhelmed and busy you don’t relax or stop to smell the flowers?

Have you lost a sense of playfulness with yourself?

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Know what it takes to heal beyond Talk Therapy
This training will help to understand:

* what it takes to heal so you stop making yourself wrong 
* the impact of adversity so you know you aren’t bad 
* the core essential skills you need to honour yourself  
* how to unshame yourself so you can take the next step 
* PLUS the 3 Paradoxes to healing that may surprise you

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  • 1xInner Child Guide£9

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